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Joyous Holidays and Happy New Year

Dear members of the GISNY family!

We are slowly approaching the peak of the holiday season and the end of the year 2024. The past days and months have certainly been anything but boring and dull. It is time to pause for a moment and reflect on highlights and challenges.

It is the huge events, on the one hand, such as the Winterfest or the choir concert yesterday, and the small sparkling moments in or outside the classroom, on the other hand, that show us what we can achieve together as a vibrant and dynamic, communicative and caring community.

Today, we found season’s greetings with a small gift card and a sweet surprise for each member of faculty and staff – thank you so much to the ever-so-supportive and active Parents’ Association for this act of appreciation. It makes such a difference!

With just two days of school left this year let me express my gratitude and respect for everyone’s effort and support. Together, we can truly make our school a safe haven and an inspiring place for your children and our students to thrive.

Have a wonderful time together, and enjoy meeting family and friends.

Happy Hanukkah - Blessed Kwanzaa - Merry Christmas! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 😊