The "My GISNY" App
The new "My GISNY" app is a fantastic tool for our community. It provides easy access to essential information about school activities, events, daily life, and important links.
Staying connected has become a lot easier
If you have any questions, please email
Ready to connect with us?
Log in to make the most of it!
Log in with your Blackbaud ID to access all the app's features, including the chat and messaging functions. |
Notifications - staying in the loop
Click on your name icon, then choose "Notifications" to subscribe.
There are two different types of notifications:
Important Announcements:
These appear directly in the app and are crucial notifications, like snow days or emergency messages. You'll also receive these via email, SMS, or phone call, depending on the contact details we have for you.
Users can subscribe to optional notifications (e.g., Newsletter, Parent Association (PA) notifications, and class groups) during app installation or later through the Settings menu (accessible by clicking on your user initials).
Currently, only Pre-K & ES parents have access to class group notifications.
Connecting - Group Chats and Direct Messages
Email us to create your own interest group.
Pre-K and ES parents are automatically added to their children's class chats. All other classes continue to communicate through MS Teams (grades 1 - 4) or email If you are interested in setting up a group chat, e. g. for an interest group, email us to set it up for you, then let interested parties join through the group QR code. This can be found in the group information at the top of each chat group. You can also start a conversation with other parents through the direct chat function. |
To join a group chat, open the chat tab in the My GISNY app and use the "scan QR code" button to join. The QR code will not work through the camera app.
Cultural Corner Group Chat
Support-Ressources Chat
News and Posts
Check the three-bar menu to make sure to subscribe to all important channels.
Find all Newsletter Posts on this tab. Need to find that sign-up for the Schoolympics or the Winterfest? Here is the place to look!
Are you missing a post? Click on the three-bar menu in the right upper corner to check if you have subscribed to all channels available to you.
With the "My GISNY" app, you have all important dates at your fingertips. And even better - use the three-bar menu to subscribe to the calendars most important to you. The option to add an event to your personal calendar will become available soon.
More - Directory, Galleries, Apps and Links
Use the "more" button, to find even more cool features in one place. The directory helps you find the email adress of faculty members, and the last name of your kid's new best friend. Pre-K and ES teachers will share pictures for their groups here. Links to our main apps like Blackbaud or Magnus can be found here, as well as shortcuts to important webpages like the cafeteria menu or the forms and permission slip page.