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Board of Trustees

Voting Members


Caroline Blaser
Kenia Bustamante
Dr. Sabine Chlosta

Chair Development Committee

Dr. Ronald Frank
Chair of the Board
Dr. Nils Hennig
Jennifer Hoffmann
Jens Korte


Luise Mahler
Rolland Mok
Matthias Reister

Chair Building Committee

Dr. Katja Simons
President of the Board

Chair of the Personnel Committee

Bruni Topete-Raeder

Chair of Marketing & Retention Committee

Roman Wandl

Chair Finance & Audit Committee

Dirk Zemke

Non-Voting Members

Christopher Brown


Consul Mariella de Carvalho

Consulate General of Germany in NY

The GISNY Corporation

From a legal point of view, GISNY is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit education corporation in the State of New York, governed by its Board of Trustees as outlined in the bylaws.

Being a member of the Corporation gives parents or guardians an active voice. Members of the Corporation meet once a year in November at the Annual Meeting of Members, where they ratify and approve the actions of the Board of Trustees from the preceding year and vote on motions that require approval. On that same evening, members elect five candidates for a three-year term to the Board of Trustees, which consists of fifteen elected members. Furthermore, any member of the corporation in good standing can submit a candidacy to run as a trustee.

Enrollment at GISNY automatically grants parents or guardians membership in the Corporation, unless they choose to opt-out. Those wishing to join or rejoin after opting out can submit a written application via, subject to Board approval.

Annual membership dues are $60.00 per person and are invoiced separately.