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Welcome from the Head of School

Picture of Volker Ovelgönne

A hearty welcome!

 Ever since the German International School New York was founded in 1980 everyone at our school has devoted their knowledge and competence, enthusiasm and commitment to offering young children and adolescent youths alike a safe haven for making their first steps in a lively community outside their family, for developing their personality and for acquiring academic skills for their future life in this colorful, exciting and challenging world we live in today.

 We welcome international and local families. Our aim is to build bridges in order to empower our students to grow into socially and environmentally aware global citizens in a multi-lingual, cross-cultural setting.

Trust and respect, open-mindedness and individual motivation are essential.

We, our team of highly qualified, ambitious and competent teachers and staff, take care of each and everyone at our school. We are here for you, our students!

 In addition, we are grateful for the tremendous support of our devoted Board of Trustees, which is - among many other activities - committed to the continuous development of our school in general and of our campus in particular.

 We are thrilled to accompany you on your most demanding and rewarding journey:

The journey of your life.

Let us help you by opening up a world of opportunities.

Welcome to GISNY!

Volker Ovelgönne

Head of School