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GISNY Corporation Opt Out Form

The GISNY Board of Trustees offers membership to all parents at the time of enrollment of your child(ren). You automatically become a member of the Corporation by signing the enrollment contract. Membership in the Corporation shall be for life unless otherwise terminated. Annual dues of $60.00 per person will be invoiced separately.

If you have canceled your membership and would like to re-join, you must submit a written application to GISNY for approval by the Board of Trustees.

Please complete this form to cancel your GISNY Corporation membership. If you are not a parent at the school, this will also cancel your subscription to the weekly Newsletter. Please allow up to five business days for the change to become active.

By typing my name on this electronic record, I am agreeing to the terms and conditions as contained herein, and I intend it to serve as my electronic signature.  I agree and authorize the German International School New York to rely on my electronic signature and understand and acknowledge that it has a legally binding effect.​​​
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format