Welcome to the heart of GISNY, our Parents' Association (PA)!
At the start of each school year, parents elect two Class Representatives per classroom to serve on the PA. These representatives are the vital link among parents, faculty, administration, and the Board, orchestrating a range of social and cultural events that are the essence of our community. From the enchanting Talent Show and beloved Winterfest to Flea Markets and beyond, they drive the creation of unforgettable experiences, organize class parties, and contribute in numerous ways to our school life.
The PA partners with school stakeholders to tackle community issues, actively participating in Board and faculty meetings to shape school decisions. With annual leadership elections, we welcome all parents to engage and contribute, no matter their language proficiency.
If becoming a member of the PA requires more time that you would be able to give, there are countless other opportunities. Please reach out at elternbeirat@gisny.org.
Join us in making GISNY a flourishing, inclusive community!
The Parents' Association